Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's for words today?

A whole year later! Can't believe it!!! One year and 6 days to be precise.
Where did all that energy and will fritter away? The resolution to write undeterred by the day,with standing all sorts of weather conditions, moods, non-happenings which push for centre-stage on a permanant basis specially when you decide to pick up old threads and spin new cloth?

Here I am .

So what's new? Nothing. Met Mini. Splurged on a surprise Oxford sale. Steal, is the word! Practically 30-40 % off! I owe Mini one! Here's what I got- Mini's picked up ' Frangipani' which I'd like to read sometime- some mother -daughter relationship in Tahiti!

Esther David's The Walled City ( the Prologue grabbed me- a disgruntled but gifted art critic and an ambling artist not quite satisfied with her chosen medium sets out to write out her life...), Victoria & Albert Museums The Shamiana Project fantastically conjured and orchestrated over several Common Wealth Nations and two dusty worn out diamonds -in-the-rock, hardbound, roughly 350 pages of pure inspiration for any artist/e Ambai/ CS Lakshmi's interviews with women musicians and dancers.

Sadly, the one where she interviews women painters was bought by some kindred soul ! Sigh!Should I go hunting for it when next in Bombay? SPARROW hunting or straight from the SPARROW's heart?

Need to go. Home.Lunch. Rest and then ferry books across to SM.