Monday, November 28, 2011

And So We Try Once More

Whenever I need inspiration I go take a peek at Junu's blog- a shot in the arm of euphoria and plain happy- makes me gleeful, clap my hands and think of the Magic Wall in the university grounds and bumpy bike rides- full khatara!
Grab that journal, Day- the sketch and scribble pad and doodle some inspiration back at the universe.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's for words today?

A whole year later! Can't believe it!!! One year and 6 days to be precise.
Where did all that energy and will fritter away? The resolution to write undeterred by the day,with standing all sorts of weather conditions, moods, non-happenings which push for centre-stage on a permanant basis specially when you decide to pick up old threads and spin new cloth?

Here I am .

So what's new? Nothing. Met Mini. Splurged on a surprise Oxford sale. Steal, is the word! Practically 30-40 % off! I owe Mini one! Here's what I got- Mini's picked up ' Frangipani' which I'd like to read sometime- some mother -daughter relationship in Tahiti!

Esther David's The Walled City ( the Prologue grabbed me- a disgruntled but gifted art critic and an ambling artist not quite satisfied with her chosen medium sets out to write out her life...), Victoria & Albert Museums The Shamiana Project fantastically conjured and orchestrated over several Common Wealth Nations and two dusty worn out diamonds -in-the-rock, hardbound, roughly 350 pages of pure inspiration for any artist/e Ambai/ CS Lakshmi's interviews with women musicians and dancers.

Sadly, the one where she interviews women painters was bought by some kindred soul ! Sigh!Should I go hunting for it when next in Bombay? SPARROW hunting or straight from the SPARROW's heart?

Need to go. Home.Lunch. Rest and then ferry books across to SM.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a while now but I feel like it again!

The feel for words , the need to feel them in my head,

then twirl them like a dervish in my mouth and let them fall.

Somehow... anyhow...

And I am confident that they won't come up with bruised knees!

I am confident they won't fritter away like the ice candy fallen from a

sticky hand into the dust, vaporizing in a blink of the eye moistening over

at its loss and then watch fascinated as the dark orange liquid makes a richer

puddle and draws in the ants , the passing mutt and the tch tch of strangers...

I simply want to stretch out between the head-post and the sunset at my feet

I want to stretch and scribble something.

There is a standing fan gurgling incessantly in it's wired mechanical head

facing no one in particular while I sweat over the words- fragrant powder laden

words with some of the lemon drink from the afternoon and green printers ink pressed

between the pauses ever so lightly that one just might pass them by- like so many

water marks of the day gone by...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trying to outstare the dinner things

While sitting up for the UNICEF project -nothing would come-
except for the crockery, after dinner debris and very accusatory looking
forks and knives making some very pointed statements!:)


ET asleep on M's bed

ET passed away peacefully last year.we've been seeing her since our college days
in JU...Mauri found this dirty cat bundle somewhere along the way ( the fish market?)and then let her follow her home mewing and puzzled...god bless ET...

I grew to like cats post-ET and then Octo(puss)happened. Aneesh's black and white acquisition was found shivering one rainy evening, forlorn and very wet, trying to draw solace from the steaming engine of his bike.

He looks quite the prosperous, shy bachelor (Octo not Aneesh)- oversensitive and now effete thanks to being neutered!

Happy No More

Drew this on my floor rug with some ink and pencil colours-
later found out that Bobby's friend Happy had died earlier
that day and was found after a day...

Monday, August 18, 2008


Surely there is more to life then
circles and triangles??