Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am in an owl mood...

Lousy pun apart...I will breath sleep eat and (oh yes! ) and ofcourse draw, quarter, cut-paste, fill, colour owls and more owls ..owlets to be precise! Did I tell you I was working in a newspaper for babies? Not too tiny nor too big the right bratty size! The babies- not the paper. The paper ofcorse is a regular tabloid size - and I currently belong with the supplementary for kids.Between 6 and 16 years- I'm stuck between this age group for 5 years now. Starting with my LeBlond kids, then ever onwards to Shikshamitra!

Have I found myself a vocation atlast?
Funny , what began as a free footloose lambast-the-school-systems kind of exercise for Brendan's book Where The Child Is Without Fear has started me off in a whole new way! IT finally found me, actually!
So here I am illustrating some- the writing has yet to be comfortably wedged into the routine. Truly! Getting back to the point , just incase no one notice how I wandered ...(hey! does any one read this at all!!!!!! Except me the solicituous writer/editor/ critic who noses out errors on ever second , third , fourth read!:)...

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