Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Princess Diaries Part 2

I found myself watching this sequel , bleary eyed, till one at night.

The typical chicklit , teenage fantasy stuff in pink powder puffs - is just not my scene!

But glad I persisted. I think it was Julie Andrews. Still untouched, decades after her unforgettable performance as the loveable singing nun Maria- she got to me.
She played the quintessential queen-mom to the hilt complete with that gilded voice!

Here are some gems I found in the most unlikely places- which is
where gems are usually found!I quote:

Sir! The word 'fear' is not in my vocabulary!"
"But it is in your eyes!"

Other people lose it, but we are supposed to find it!

Being married is about being yourself...but with someone else.

The heart does things for reasons that/which reason doesn't understand.

Courage is not the absence of fear...it is the ability to choose that
which is other than fear.

"Power, my boy, means ,never having to say you're sorry!"

Not sure whether the last was a good thing..but definitely made me sit up...
and think of the commonality between all the uptight push-oversI've ever
met in all my life...they are usually quite unappologetic!)

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