Monday, March 17, 2008


One never grows old on a Bullet.
The same high, differant man ; same thrill, differant knotty shoulders; differant roads,
same warmth; same reasons( none given nor asked except speed!) and differant smelling hair.

How can people trade in their two-wheel steed for a smooth shiny four wheels? Always wondered.

Maybe when you are older , and you want to protect your children- from pollution,
highways, rush and the knife-edged walk called life- the one that keeps slipping away like the road beneath us. Maybe then...and still want to believe that we have more of a grip on it now, enough to forewarn , advice and be followed by our kids. So what if we didn't follow it ourselves? Fortunately, our kids never learn. But still we try. Generation after generation after....

It's as native as the homing instincts of sparrows and pigeons- the need to protect,
to nurture. To save what we think we have created and therefore quite automatically own. Never realising it is not ours to give or hold back-this thing called 'life'. It was given to us, just so that we could pass it on. Not hold it too long or too tight.

But we forget. Till it wrenches free out of our balled-up fist to fly where ever it's called.

I hope I'll remember to let my children pass through me as simply as the quiet midnight dust on the wake of this thunder rising all the way from my calves to my belly.

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