Sunday, March 23, 2008


You can't cry and draw at the same time. I have tried.

Maybe that's why we created lines in the first place.

And that's why we need to keep creating them- over and over


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Princess Diaries Part 2

I found myself watching this sequel , bleary eyed, till one at night.

The typical chicklit , teenage fantasy stuff in pink powder puffs - is just not my scene!

But glad I persisted. I think it was Julie Andrews. Still untouched, decades after her unforgettable performance as the loveable singing nun Maria- she got to me.
She played the quintessential queen-mom to the hilt complete with that gilded voice!

Here are some gems I found in the most unlikely places- which is
where gems are usually found!I quote:

Sir! The word 'fear' is not in my vocabulary!"
"But it is in your eyes!"

Other people lose it, but we are supposed to find it!

Being married is about being yourself...but with someone else.

The heart does things for reasons that/which reason doesn't understand.

Courage is not the absence of is the ability to choose that
which is other than fear.

"Power, my boy, means ,never having to say you're sorry!"

Not sure whether the last was a good thing..but definitely made me sit up...
and think of the commonality between all the uptight push-oversI've ever
met in all my life...they are usually quite unappologetic!)

To the Giver Of Rhymes

I will not ask

I will not ask of you for,
Straight dark sheets of endless hair
Or white even teeth true to the core

If I must
So let it be
White endless sheets of even verse
No hearse or dead scores to drag
Behind me but
Just straight ahead
Long lustrous lines
Smooth unblemished
Flawless rhymes.

I could do worse.

No more
Of whip lashed eyes which
Drown a million daring men
And pull them naked fighting
Back ashore
Make them
Blindly climb compel
Stride down endless mounds
Of kneaded hips
And lose their pride to
Flushed exhausted mindless sleep
Crushed down on open ocean shores
Which neither take to task nor teach
Nor ask nor risk, give in or reach
Or try to bind

Just lines.

Well pounded
Ground by hand
Smoothed blended perfect

No husk to bind.

No more
Will I solicit for
Snow crushed breasts
Pink flocks of rising flamingoes
Flaming nipple moons
Which grow and wane
I will not strain for crested peaks
Stripped bare brown naked sunset lips
Lest lost words drown
In mighty struggle
To be formed

Still not born.

Just herds and droves
Mile after mile of heady lines.

A curse of verse unending.
A ready milk-heavy flow
Which gush and grow
In leaps of rhymes
Unbound by style
Unreaped by reason
Bending, wending in and out
Spare swinging careless bold and sure
Ful,l lush and ripe and strong they grow
Right down the seasons

A steady flow

That’s all I ask.

Monday, March 17, 2008


One never grows old on a Bullet.
The same high, differant man ; same thrill, differant knotty shoulders; differant roads,
same warmth; same reasons( none given nor asked except speed!) and differant smelling hair.

How can people trade in their two-wheel steed for a smooth shiny four wheels? Always wondered.

Maybe when you are older , and you want to protect your children- from pollution,
highways, rush and the knife-edged walk called life- the one that keeps slipping away like the road beneath us. Maybe then...and still want to believe that we have more of a grip on it now, enough to forewarn , advice and be followed by our kids. So what if we didn't follow it ourselves? Fortunately, our kids never learn. But still we try. Generation after generation after....

It's as native as the homing instincts of sparrows and pigeons- the need to protect,
to nurture. To save what we think we have created and therefore quite automatically own. Never realising it is not ours to give or hold back-this thing called 'life'. It was given to us, just so that we could pass it on. Not hold it too long or too tight.

But we forget. Till it wrenches free out of our balled-up fist to fly where ever it's called.

I hope I'll remember to let my children pass through me as simply as the quiet midnight dust on the wake of this thunder rising all the way from my calves to my belly.


You can give yourself a thousand reasons to quit anything -
but it's usually not the real reason and the most obvious one.
It's the one you don't want to see or listen or imagine.

It's usually the truth.
Also kind of brutal.

And what about not quitting ? When does one decide to stay?
When do you give yourself one hundred thousand reasons to stay
with a job , a man, an idea or stay put in a particular city?
Does it mean you are missing the point again?
As to why we are staying in the first place?

I guess so.
That's the saddest part.
Then too the reason is not the one admitted to or accepted.
It's usually not love.

They say love is its own reason.

Monday, March 3, 2008


So yesterday I had a choice .
A lemon honey grapes cucumber salad
or a lemon pepper spring onion cucumber salad.
I made the former.

realised something...mid should be a simple,
happy affair- not fussy or intense or too perfect!
Guilt is a dangerous thing to swallow daily. Makes you put on weight...:)

Sat down to tune the tanpura J giving me instructions over the
phone . She was doing the utensils and advicing me at the same time.
It was 11 - I needed a bath!

Wish I had called her before busting the 3 rd string!:(

Would prefer to explore the peth area for a string! Much more fun.

I want an electronic tanpura! And a many pictures in the head!

Glad I spontaneously went over to J's place.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Late night surprises!

Mrinal in this flowery shirt, looking sharp, and Junuka, as usual, high on life and song (and just a teeny weeny bit of wine!:) turned up 11 at night! Just passing by, those two. We sat up till 12 past on the parapet, defying our somewhat sleepy Nepali watchman, the mosquitoes, Ma's frequent calls and a nosey neighbour or two peering down through parted curtains.

Defiance in the name of a good song is no defiance at all.
Thanks JuneBug for the beautiful rendition of Bawra Man...

and yes, if not for the Kerala (dripping!) Massage today...our date still holds ...maybe in the University ...trees and tea and talk and then some more talk and tea ...